Louis Pfitzner, Co-Founder of CleanHub
We want to drive systemic change - through our investments and our engagement in the impact investing community. We invest in Europe and the US.
We provide patient, long-term capital. We are willing to take technical risks and support deep tech and hardware companies, where typical VCs might turn away.
Its never too early to share your idea with us.
We are longterm focused and are willing to continue to invest for impact.
We love to help early-stage teams get their ideas off the ground.
We can support our portfolio companies as they grow.
We are longterm focused and are willing to continue to invest for impact.
We will look at your external impact, meaning how you are contributing to solving an environmental or social challenge with your business model, product or service, and your “internal” footprint in terms of environmental, social and governance issues (ESG).
Learn more about our approachWe work with founders who are intrinsically motivated by enacting systemic change.
We are backed by the family behind GOLDBECK, a leading player in the European construction industry, and Goldbeck Solar, a company specialized in turnkey construction of large-scale commercial solar installations.
Our portfolio companies enjoy the full power of GOLDBECK's and Goldbeck Solar's expertise, including technical expertise in built environment, materials, and energy systems, as well as technical sparring and potential pilot projects.
Munich, Germany | Founded: 2022
The Landbanking Group incentivize nature regeneration by enabling land stewards to register, monitor, and exchange assets based on a measured uplift in natural capital such as biodiversity, and water and soil quality.
Impact challenge:
Climate change and biodiversity loss
Impact KPIs:
Ha of land restored and preserved, tons of CO2e captured
Planet A Ventures, BonVenture, and 4P Capital
Aachen, Germany | Founded: 2020
Voltfang specializes in using end-of-life batteries from electric vehicles as sustainable stationary energy storage for industrial applications. Their main goal is to provide cost-effective and sustainable battery storage to support the energy transition.
Impact challenge:
Energy production based on fossil fuels and waste from discarded electric car batteries
Impact KPIs:
Re-used battery storage capacity in kWh & reduced material footprint in kg/tons, and resulting reduced emissions in CO2e
AENU, Proptech1, Helen Ventures, Eviny